Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer. Need I say more?

We are currently living at the park or the pool.

We also enjoy the the almost daily trip to Target. My kids love it and it creates a least an hour where toys are not being thrown out of baskets faster than I can blink.

We also made these cute little ice cream cone cupcakes. LR loved decorating these and licking all the icing off. :)

We've been to the beach. We truly enjoyed our time as a family. It was much needed.

We are grateful for these lazy weeks. It won't be long before I am faced with early mornings, late nights, yards of lamination, and anxiety attacks.

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are just darling!!!! Miss you so much! I love being able to keep up with y'all on the blog!! And can I just say your blog makes me want to eat ALL THE TIME! Love you!
