Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So...I took a little blogging break

But I didn't mean to.

Life, as always, is super crazy for us. Every week since my Holiday Cookie Tray post, I had something wonderful that I wanted to share.

And then, I would fall asleep. every.time. This mama has been tired.

So, in January, I had a full-time student teacher join me in the classroom. She's been great, and I've actually been enjoying my evenings at home instead of waiting until 8:00 to plan the next day's lesson or grade papers. It's been good for my soul. :)

I also started a new routine of going to the gym BEFORE school. That's right. I'm running and/or lifting weights 4 days a week at 5am. I wasn't sure how long it would last, but I am absoultely loving it!! I'm actually adding a 5th day starting March 1st. It's not too much longer until this mama will be chasing little ones around the pool and right now, there would be way too much wigglin' and jigglin' going on.

While I've been on blogging hiatus we've done lots of great things:

*We celebrated a wonderful Christmas!

*Our sweet Lyla turned one!

*LR learned a bible verse.

*I made this glorious goodness that I found on pinterest. (Click the pic for the recipe)

*LR started gymnastics and is LOVING it!!

*Lyla started walking!!

*My rockstar husband performed in his first gig! ( I wish I had a pic) :(

I'm so incredibly thankful for these blessings in my life. I will do my best to be more committed to my blog and share them with you all. I absolutely love blogging, it's good for me. I've just been having a hard time finding time for it all. I am going to TRY to blog weekly, but I'm making it a goal to blog at least every other week.

I'm running low on recipe ideas, but I have a few good ones that I will share soon. Until then, have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. I've been dying for you to blog again!! So wonderful seeing those sweet babies and hearing how you are doing...weights at 5am...seriously, YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!! Miss you and praying for you!!!
