Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful for Him...

This year is wrapping up and I have so very much to be thankful for. We've had an eventful year including the birth of a baby and my husband's accident. And although I am so incredibly grateful that our precious Lord allowed me to experience more of His grace and mercy through all he has done for us, I am most thankful this morning that I am His.

I am thankful that 15 years ago the Lord allowed me to experience conviction so strong that I had no other choice but to surrender my life to Him. 

I am thankful that although becoming a Christian didn't lead to a life of health and wealth, that I have a relationship with my Father who provides for my every need and uses this life to teach me more about Himself.  He has been, is, and will always be enough.

I am thankful that he has allowed me the gift of being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend, all of which he is using to grow me daily.

I am thankful.

Please take time today to cherish this pure holiday. It's not about gifts or decorations, it is simply about cherishing the things we have been given and spending time with the people we love so dearly.

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