Today was one of those days. I've been working at the school for two days writing/revising our units. The units, I tell you, are huge tasks because of the changes that are taking place this year and because we just want quality stuff to use. Anyway, I've been a tad bit stressed because when I go to the school I'm reminded of how badly I need to work in my classroom. To top it all off, we are changing things up a quite a bit this year. Don't get me wrong - I am THRILLED for the changes. Delighted. Estatic. But, it's still change, and that's always hard for me. I'm a control freak.
I worked until 5:00 and when I got home I quickly made dinner (recipe below), swept the dog hair that is driving me extra crazy these days, washed bottles, straightened up, ate the dinner, nursed a baby, gave baths, took a shower, and then realized that I haven't said more than a couple of words to Russ and I hadn't played or snuggled with my girls at all, and then it was bedtime. I know, sad day, right? And single moms, bless your soul. I just don't see how I get through a day without Russ!
So that is what brings me to blogging land tonight. I wish we had 32 hours in a day. Don't get me wrong, I am incredibly thankful for my summer's off with my girls. I know that most moms work 8-5 everyday and come home exhausted without a summer break. So, for you stay at home moms - cherish it. Cherish every single stressful minute!!!!
I threw the recipe below together with ingredients I had on hand. You all probably have these in your pantry, too. It turned out sort of like baked spaghetti. It was very good, and healthy, too!
We will call it Baked Italian Casserole
1 package Wacky Pasta (this is what I had, you could use whatever you have) -cooked
1 pound ground beef, browned and drained
1 small red onion
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 can diced tomatoes (mine had garlic, oregano, and basil in them)
black petter
Shredded Parmesan cheese
Shredded Mozzarella cheese
Directions: Brown your meat with the onion. Drain. Cook your pasta according to directions. Drain. Combine all ingredients (except cheese) in a baking dish. Pour into dish, top with cheese. I didn't use more than 1/2 a cup because I'm not a big cheese person, but you can go crazy if you want! :) Bake on 350 for 25 minutes.
This was actually very good and a quick, throw-together meal. We ate it with steamed corn and a side salad. Personally, I think it would be divine with maybe chopped bell peppers or zucchini, but I didn't have any here tonight.
Now that I feel like I've been very negative, I'll leave you with some sweet doll babies to watch! Lyla was supposed to be napping the other day when I heard some giggling. I went in to find these cuties just a playing!!
Click here!
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